4-H Club Day
4-H Club Day is an event which gives participants an opportunity to tell others about their 4-H projects and demonstrate their talents and abilities. Presentations such as talks, demonstrations, speeches, skits, music and dance are judged and awarded ribbons. The public is invited to come, watch and learn more about our 4-H/Youth Development Program.
**4-H'ers earning a *top blue* rating at the Harvey County 4-H Club Day will be considered for the Multi-County Club Day Champion featuring Harvey and McPherson counties.
Multi-County Club Day will be February 22 at Chisholm Trail Middle School (901 E. 1st St) in Newton, KS.
Start Time: Judging will start at 8:30, NEW - sign up for presentation time slots ahead of Club Day judging will start at 8:30 AM, Links below.
Sign Up to Help with Pickle Power (4-H Youth 13 and older)
Sign Up to participate in specifc 4-H Club Day events below. Please sign up by February 19th. We will print these sheets after that date.
4-H Reels:
Like previous years, we will be keeping the 4-H Reels class. These will need to be completed and submitted before the contest. All 4-H Reels will be displayed during our event. Submit your 4-H Reel here. Examples below.
- Club Day One Pager - Quick guide
- Club Day Guidelines - Detailed guide
Public Presentation Resources
- Public Presentations Overview- Start Here!
- Tips for Your Presentation
- Planning Your Talk
- Planning Your Demonstration or Illustrated Talk
- Project Talks
- Readings
- Illustrated Talks
- Demonstrations
- Tips for Visual Aids
- Other Helpful Information Here