Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are key to the 4-H program. They enable the 4-H program to grow and thrive. These individuals donate their time, efforts and skills so that the Harvey County 4-H program can excel. Staff and parents trust these volunteers to have the best interests of young people at heart.
Safety of young people is a shared responsibility between volunteers, Extension staff, K-State Research and Extension, and the state. We need to do our best to protect young people through the implementation of a youth protection system. In Kansas, the youth protection system is the Kansas 4-H Volunteer Screening process.
Please Click Here for a Step-By-Step Guide to becoming a volunteer or renewing your status.
Volunteer Resources
Find Volunteer Resources here
Official 4-H Promotional Policies:
The official logo has to be on every flyer, brochure, t-shirt, etc. Anything that goes out to promote 4-H or give information has to have the co-branded logo (the top 3). Along with that, anything that goes out to promote or give information must have the following statement:
Logos can be found on our Wakelet here
Brochure or graphic:
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
K-State Research and Extension is committed to providing equal opportunity for participation in all programs, services and activities. Program information may be available in languages other than English. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, including alternative means for communication (e.g., Braille, large print, audio tape, and American Sign Language) may be requested by contacting the event contact Harvey County Extension two weeks prior to the start of the event (insert deadline date) at 316-284-6930. Requests received after this date will be honored when it is feasible to do so. Language access services, such as interpretation or translation of vital information will be provided free of charge to limited English proficient individuals upon request.
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.